What is National Care Bears Share Your Care Day?
Care Bears™ Share Your Care Day is celebrated annually on September 9. Care Bears are on a mission to spread caring and sharing around the world, and encourage fans to spread caring, sharing, love, friendship, acceptance, fun and happiness to those you love everyday!
The Perfect Way to #ShareYourCare
Introducing the Care Bears Share Menu, only available at Noodles & Company through September 9th. Whether it’s lunch with a #BearyBestie or spreading joy with your little ones, we’ve teamed up with Noodles & Company to share something special with the Care Bears Share menu. Get a taste of the menu, a special Care Bears Crispy and adorable mini plush Care Bear, while supplies last. It’s the perfect menu for sharing something special with those who are special in your life.

We’re Giving Back!
In celebration of Share Your Care Day on September 9, Care Bears, in partnership with The Birthday Party Project, is pleased to announce a special initiative to bring smiles and joy to children experiencing homelessness with Care Bears-themed birthday parties during the month of September and Care Bears donations through September 2025. This partnership underscores the Care Bears’ enduring commitment to sharing care and making a positive impact in communities across the nation.
Join the fun with Care Bears
Are you ready to spread some love and kindness with your favorite Care Bears? From September 1st to September 8th, Basic Fun Toys is inviting fans of all ages to participate in an 8-day challenge! Each day is inspired by a different Care Bear, with fun prompts that encourage you to show how you care!

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